As a e-revolution becomes more established, new tools are required for handling the emerging challenges of the information age. Information Mathematics refers to the use of advanced mathematical tools and techniques which provide the principle methods needed for facing the new tasks.
Information Math is expected to take an increasingly more significant role in future developments, complementing advances in IT. In today's rapidly changing information age, many employers in the most dynamic and well-paid industries have massive demand for graduates with a combination of strong mathematical skills and IT knowledge.
Program Outline
The BSc in Information Mathematics provides a unique combination of analytical and computational skills, required for an in-depth understanding of new technologies and prepares graduates for high-level careers in the rapidly growing areas of Finance, Computing, Telecommunications and Bioinformatics.
Subject Guide
The course covers: Transition Mathematics; Vector Algebra; Probability and Statistics; Introduction to Analysis Calculus and Ordinary Differential Equations; Abstract Algebra; IT Applications; Introduction to Numerical Methods; Information Technology; Introduction to Systematic Programming; Internet Computing; Communication Skills; Linear Mathematics; Vector Calculus; Real Analysis; Partial Differential Equations; Mathematics Modeling; Statistical Pattern Analysis; Simulations and Stochastic Processes; Computer Graphics; Software Lifecycles; Object Orientated Programming; Data Modeling and Database Systems; Transferable Skills; Data Structures and Algorithms; Complex Analysis; and Chaos and Dynamical Systems.
For Finance Stream, the course also covers: Financial Mathematics; Time Series; Computational Mathematics; Approximation Theory and Methods; Data Mining; and E-Commerce.
For Computer Science Stream, the course covers: Data Mining; E-Commerce; Coding and Cryptography; Formal Software Development; Information Security; Strategic Information Systems; Internet Programming with Java; and Geographic Information Systems.
For Communications Stream, the course covers: Information Theory and Coding and Traffic Theory; Digital Transmissions; Internet Applications; E-Commerce; Coding and Cryptography; and Signal Processing.
For Bioinformatics Stream, the course covers: Data Mining; Time Series; Biological Modeling Cell and Molecular Biology; Molecular Genetics and Virology.
Career Prospects
Career prospects for this program are excellent. The program has been specifically designed to meet the huge demand of skilled information mathematics graduates in the finance, computer science, telecommunications and bioinformatics industries.
An external panel from industry has been closely involved in advising on the content and structure of the program. Graduates may be employed in the broad range of positions for instance in research and development teams as a part of large company in a start-ups, as trainee analysts, consultants etc. Graduates may also continue their training in the MSc and Ph.D. programs run by the information engineering subject group (such as the MSc by research in Pattern Analysis and Neural Networks), or for teaching and education careers.
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