Thursday, January 15, 2015

Full Masters Scholarships from University of Groningen, Netherlands

Application Deadline: 2015-01-15

The University of Groningen has a long academic tradition extending back to 1614, which makes Groningen the oldest university in the Netherlands after Leiden. Many very talented people in a variety of disciplines have studied or worked at the university during the 390 years of its existence, including a Nobel Prize winner, the first female University student in the Netherlands and the first female lecturer, the first Dutch astronaut and the first president of the European Bank. They share their academic roots with more than 200,000 other people who have attended the University of Groningen as students, lecturers or research workers.

University of Groningen Talent Grant: Eric Bleumink Fund

University of Groningen offers scholarship,Eric Bleumink Fund, for a 1 year or 2 years Master’s degree programme which covers tuition fee, costs of international travel, subsistence, books, and health insurance.

Purposes:Master programme, Master (MSc/MA/LL.M.)
Countries of origin: click the link for list of countries eligible. Nepal included

Eligible candidates:   
Criteria for approval are: (a) academic excellence, shown by academic performance and may be confirmed by letters of recommendation from university professors; (b) contribution of candidate’s education in terms of strengthening the scientific capacity in the candidate’s home country; (c) perspectives to a long-term linkage between the home institution and the University of Groningen.

Deadline: January 15th, 2015. (opening call: October 15th, 2014)
Application: To be nominated the student needs to be (conditionally) admitted to one of the Master's programmes. Nominations will be handled by the admissions officers. 

It is important to visit official website (link found below) for detailed information on how to apply for this scholarship.

Official Scholarship Website link below:
Erik Bleumink Scholarships from University of Groningen, Nethelands

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